Equestrian Homes

Our two Equestrian Homes offer the perfect escape for those with a love of horses and adventure. They are located approximatley 5 miles from The Preserve's main campus at our state-of-the-art Hermes inspired Equestrian Training Stables. Ideal for families, groups, and guests seeking a farmhouse experience, each house is equipped with a kitchen, living room, and bonus space, making it the perfect retreat for short- and long-term stays. Guests are offered complimentary shuttle service to our main campus thourhgout thier stay, and get to rise and shine amidst the farm. Children of all ages and pets are welcome to enjoy our Equestrian Homes. *Fees may apply. For more information, please refer to our FAQs section or Guest Services guestservices@thepreserveri.com | 401-539-4653 Extension 1.

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Double Barrel Steak

Oh! Spa

Hobbit House Experiences

Resort Activities